So apparently as a book blogger, I am suppose to wrap up the year with a list of my favorite reads. Well, I failed on this task....100% total fail. Call it beginners fail or whatever, but I just did not get anything pulled together.
What I do have though is a list of my favorite authors that I had the pleasure of reading their books. You can not go wrong by buying and reading their books. So go and check out their Amazon Author Pages and one-click a book or two. You can not possibly go wrong with these spectacular authors!
So, in no certain order
Drum roll please.........
Jennifer Snyder ~ Amazon Author Page -
Jessica Frances ~ Amazon Author Page -
K.B. Nelson ~ Amazon Author Page -
Sunniva Dee ~ Amazon Author Page -
Clarissa Wild ~ Amazon Author Page -
Sarah Negovetich ~ Amazon Author Page -
Melinda Friesen ~ Amazon Author Page - - My review of her first book Enslavement will be posted in February, but really you need to read this one!!!
Aprille Legacy ~ Amazon Author Page -
Cecily Gates ~ Amazon Author Page -
These authors have found a place in my heart and I will read anything and everything that they publish, because I think they are AMAZING!!!
There are more I am sure that I need to add to the list, so I am sorry in advance if you are not on this list. But for my readers, check out my reviews and you might quite possibly find a new favorite author (or a few) too!
So to wrap it all up, Happy New Year to you and yours. I wish everyone the best in 2015!
Happy Reading to all!!!