Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Book Blitz & Giveaway ~ Consumed (Barren #2) by Elizabeth Miceli

Elizabeth Miceli
(Barren, #2)
Published by: Swoon Romance
Publication date: August 31st 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Stacey Lorenzo has finished treatment, but is still devastated by her past as she enters college. With drugs and alcohol so readily available, so much freedom, and barely any supervision, Stacey falls back into old habits. Soon it’s a daily dose of partying, self-medicating, and having sex with lots of different guys. As her relationship with Eli destructs, she falls for Jesse, who just so happens to be a drug dealer. Every time she starts to fall back into the memories of her past, Jesse makes it easy to snort away the pain.
But she snorts too much one night; it forces her to question the man she loves and acknowledge her mental and emotional instability. In the second installment of The Barren Series, Stacey must overcome her addiction and make peace with her past if she is ever to be truly happy again.

“Your nose is bleeding.”
I brought my hand to my nose and nodded.
Ugh. I snorted coke last night.
My whole body contorted and I ran to Derek’s bathroom as quickly as I could. I made it just in time. Blood and acid trickled from my nostrils, vomit spewed violently from my mouth, and tears poured from my ducts.
Eli caught up with me, closed the door, and pulled my hair back into a neat bun. His soft hands rubbed my back gently until finally, after what seemed like years, my body stopped betraying me and calmed. The stress Eli felt was written all over his face; he couldn’t imagine the idea of me being hurt, sick, under his watch. He handed me some tissues for my nose and held me to his chest on the tile floor. He didn’t say a word but I knew that he was worried; he felt betrayed by my choices. I hated that I had let him down again. I cried so hard I threw up again.

Elizabeth hails from the smallest state with the biggest heart. She started off at The University of Akron and then transferred to the University of Rhode Island. She is a majoring in Human Development and Family Studies and minoring in Psychology. Although she loves writing- she also has a passion for helping others which is why she is studying to become a sex therapist/couples counselor. Elizabeth loves spending time with her family and friends, singing, eating everything Italian, and baking cookies. She is “in love with love” which is probably why the driving force in almost everything she writes is romance. When she’s not getting lost in her characters she can be found waiting for her prince charming in her North Kingstown, Rhode Island home.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Book Review ~ MEANT TO BE MINE (Guilty Pleasures #1) by Lisa Marie Perry *Launch Day Blitz*

Meant to Be Mine
(Guilty Pleasures #1)
by Lisa Marie Perry
On Sale: August 30, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Formats: Mass Market & eBook
Price: $6.99 USD (MM) / $6.99 USD (eBook)

Loving him was hard. Wanting him was so damn easy . . .

Sofia Mercer may have been sick as a teen, but she’s no delicate flower. And she’s proven it by making it on her own and starting a new life away from the town that turned against her, away from the boy who broke her already fragile heart. But when her aunt Luz dies unexpectedly, leaving Sofia with a mountain of regrets and the keys to a quirky boutique, Sofia has no choice but to return to Cape Cod. Only, this new life in her old town comes with complications.

Burke Wolf was Sofia’s first love—a relationship that burned bright and went up in flames. Seeing him again, Sofia can’t help but get caught up in that all-too-familiar tornado of passion and pain. He’s battled his own demons—that much is clear. But Sofia can’t afford to be careless with her heart . . . and loving Burke again might just break it completely. 

Meant to be Mine #1
Yours to Take #2 (not released yet!) 

She hid her scar behind her clothes, hid her sexual hunger behind mannequins in a window, but eventually, he would bring Sofia Mercer out of hiding.
Their lips parted and he traced a finger between her breasts, up the jagged trail of thick, knotted scar tissue. He wanted to see it, assure her it wasn’t ugly, but he’d given his word that he wouldn’t look, and he would kick his own ass before he violated that trust.
“It doesn’t feel ugly,” he said plainly. “I’ve got scars, too.”
“From fighting. This is different.”
What had she been imagining, all these years? Schoolyard brawls? A teenage fight club? Did she define him as someone so out of control that he’d gone searching for split lips, black eyes, and fractured ribs?
Yeah, it was different. Her scar was a result of a lifesaving medical procedure . . . not violence.
Laying his hand flat, he felt her heart pound quick and strong. Caught up in the moment, caught up in her, he whispered, “Losing you would’ve killed me.”
He felt her slip away from him before she moved a single muscle. When she did retreat, sliding off his lap, fixing her clothes, and raking an arm across her mouth, she said, “I told Abram we weren’t together. Was that a lie? Can we be together, Burke?”
“Casually, yeah. As friends, of course. But don’t rope me into more. It wouldn’t be good for you.”
“That’s not your call.”
“It is, though. Tell me something and be truthful about it. How many panic attacks have you had since coming back to town?”
“A few.”
“Uh-huh. And how many came on when I wasn’t near you?”
“Uh . . .”
“That’s my point. Think it’s a coincidence that your health teeters when I’m around? I’m harmful to you. I’ve known for a long time that I’m no good.” She didn’t know all the hell he carried. He’d do anything to spare her heart the burden of his skeletons.
“Stop it,” she whispered, getting to her feet. “You’d never hurt me.”
“Not intentionally, but the fact is I trigger something in you that you can’t physically handle. I meant what I said earlier—it would kill me to lose you. As much as I want you, and damn it, you know I do, I can’t keep putting you at risk.”
“Are you sure my health isn’t your excuse to justify walking away?” she challenged. “Hold me off, resist what’s good and real and permanent, then take off on your boat. That’s your plan, right?”
“It’s worked out nicely for years. You wouldn’t be the first woman to step back because she can’t handle my career. It’s dangerous, the hours can be shitty, and sometimes I can be on the water for weeks. I’d never ask you or anyone else to shut up and like it. If you want to bail now, I won’t hold it against you.”
“That does terrify me, but I’m not bailing. A career is one thing. Escape is something else altogether. I don’t think I can love you halfway—either I’m all in or I fold.”

Excerpted from MEANTTO BE MINE by Lisa Marie Perry. Copyright © 2016 by Lisa Marie Perry. Used with permission of Grand Central Publishing. All rights reserved.
Meant to Be Mine is the first in the Guilty Pleasures Series by Lisa Marie Perry.  This is the first time I have read anything by this author, but after reading this book, that's all about to change.  There was so much to love about this story and I seriously did not want it to end. 

Sophia and Burke  have loved each other forever, but both are afraid to take that step toward being together for fear of getting hurt.  The funny thing though is they are both hurting because they push each other away - denying that they truly are meant to be.  At times I got pretty frustrated with this couple because I wanted them to just get over their issues and live their happily ever after.  End the end though, this journey was well worth my frustrations and I was a very happy reader.

This is one of the most enjoyable books I have read in a while with its well-developed characters, plenty of emotion and some naughty bits thrown in which really made this book an outstanding read.  I loved all the secondary characters and can't wait to read their stories in future installments.

4 stars

Lisa Marie Perry encounters difficult fictional men and women on a daily basis. She writes sizzling, deep fiction featuring flawed heroes brought to their knees by the love of complicated women. She has received high praise from USA Today and has been nominated for an RT Book Reviews literary award. She lives in America's heartland, drives a truck, enjoys indie rock, collects Medieval literature, watches too many comedies, has a not-so-secret love for lace and adores rugged men with a little bit of nerd.

For laughs, randomness and occasional inappropriateness, visit LMP at


Book Review ~ WINNER TAKES ALL (Champion Valley #1) by Erin Kern *Release Day Blitz*

Winner Takes All
(Champion Valley #1)
by Erin Kern
On Sale: August 30, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Formats: Mass Market & eBook
Price: $6.99 USD (MM) / $6.99 USD (eBook)

Money. Fame. Endorsements. Blake Carpenter had it all—before his professional football career spiraled out of control. Determined to rebuild his life, he takes on coaching the high school team in his Colorado hometown. Despite a few fumbles, Blake knows he can lead these boys to victory. As long as he can keep his eyes on the prize and off the team's distractingly gorgeous physical therapist.

Annabelle Turner knows all about the scandal that cost Blake his NFL career, and she'll be damned if she's going to let his mistakes hurt her team. What she doesn't count on is the intense attraction that turns every heated run-in they have into a wildly erotic competition. Point by point, play by play, kiss by kiss, they try to keep things professional for the good of the team. But when the score is this close—and the passion this fierce—it's anybody's game...

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Winner Takes All is the first book in the Champion Valley series, and if this installment is any indication of the awesomeness that awaits us, then I positively will be on pins and needles until Back in the Game releases.

Erin Kern has an amazing talent of bringing her characters to life with exceptional writing, excellent attention to detail, and outstanding character development.  Even for this reader, who has a strong diversion to football, I found myself routing for the team and most of all for Blake and Annabelle to finally get over their control issues and just let love happen. I really loved that there was a slow building to the couple's relationship - no instalove - just good old fashioned romance, which is something I believe we need more of in the book world.  I thought that this story was more realistic than other books that I have read lately and I could relate to it more in terms of 'real life'. 

Winner Takes All was beautifully written and the story flowed perfectly.  With no cliffhanger and a happily ever after, this book was a great start to a new series and one that I would highly recommend!

4 stars

 “I don’t like people interfering with my work, Ms. Turner,” Coach Blake Carpenter told her.
Gee, really?
“And I don’t like people telling me what to do,” he added.
Again. Shock.
“You’re used to having your way, aren’t you?” he asked Annabelle with a tilt of his head.
Always. “Sometimes,” she lied.
“Well, so am I,” he stated.
“No kidding? I never would have guessed.”
This time he did smile. A slow curling of his lips that matched the curling of her toes in. “So who do you think will win, Ms. Turner?”
“You might if you ever stop calling me that.”
He grin grew. “Why would I want to do that?”
Because it turns me on.  “Because it’s too formal. Just call me Annabelle.”
“That’s not why you don’t like it,” he countered in a low voice.
They stared at each other like two caged fighters waiting for the other to wave the white flag. Only Annabelle didn’t give up, and she wasn’t about to start now. If Blake Carpenter expected her to admit defeat, he’d better think again.

Erin was born in Houston, TX. but spent the majority of her life in the Bay Area. She married her high school sweetheart and began her writing career while being a stay-at-home mom to her daughter.

Her first book, Looking for Trouble, was on the Amazon top 100 for four months, and on the top ten for four weeks. The second book in the Trouble series, Here Comes Trouble, was also a top seller on Amazon. Erin currently lives in North Texas with her husband and two children.


Book Review ~ Fight for Me by Jessica Linden ~ Release Day Blitz

Fight for Me
by Jessica Linden
E-Original published by Swerve
Publication Date: August 30, 2016
ISBN: 9781250119155

Price: $3.99

From debut author Jessica Linden comes a sexy romantic suspense novel featuring an MMA fighter and an heiress on the run who must stay together if they are to defeat what hunts them...and explore the passion that surrounds them.

Raised in the streets, Knox is a battle-worn MMA fighter with no past, present, or future. Fighting every day just to survive, Knox owns nothing but the pride in his victories and the scars on his hands. When his control snaps and he must flee the city to keep his life, he runs into a stunning woman with the same intent. All big eyes and delicate features, she's not cut out to survive on her own. And when finding her own inner strength leads to a shocking act of violence, Knox knows he must protect her at all costs...

Natalie couldn't spend another day under her father's lock and key. Raised to be the perfect picture of wealth and sophistication, she detests the dark, ugly side of her father's greed. Refusing to be held captive by her life a moment longer, she escapes his fortress - and runs right into the arms of the strongest, most dangerous, most desirable man she's ever met. As instant attraction leads to explosive passion, Natalie finds she cannot leave his side. But as their pursuers loom closer and threaten to tear them apart, Natalie and Knox have to decide: is it easier to stand apart? Or is a love this strong worth the fight?

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I’m just going to skip the recap of this book because the synopsis of the story does a pretty good job of letting you know what the story is about.  But what is doesn’t tell you is that you are about to embark on an extremely intense journey filled with nonstop action, high-stacks drama and passion that is off the charts!  Holy smokes….to say I am beyond exhausted after reading this outstanding story would be a major understatement. 

From the very first page, I was hooked and craved to know how this story would end.  Natalie and Knox, although from opposite sides of the social spectrum, are two people who instantly connected with this insanely, intense chemistry and I wanted them to overcome everything that was thrown their way so that they could have their happy ending.  Every time these two turned around, trouble was waiting right there for them and they did what needed to be done in order to not only get the truth but to finally stop running.

Fight For Me is an amazing story that is extremely well written with strong characters and a story line that flowed effortlessly.  To even stop reading for a minute was difficult as the story was constantly on my mind.  If you love a gritty romance with tons of action and suspense, then I would highly recommend that you read this one!

5 insanely hot stars

          Natalie spun, and her eyes focused on her rescuer, getting a good look at him for the first time. His eyes were hard and fierce, and for a moment she regretted not listening to his demands that she run. She should be scared. This man was dangerous. He looked it, and she’d already seen firsthand what he was capable of. Would she be any safer with him?
          Yes. Instinctively she knew she was. He’d put his life on the line to save hers. She could trust him.
          Looking into his eyes now, she felt the panic slowly begin to leave her and her thoughts became a little more coherent. Looking at him, in the middle of this blood-soaked horrible alley, she found her center in an unlikely place­—in the abyss of his dark eyes. Something clicked when she looked at him.
          “Are you okay?” re repeated.
          She nodded, then glanced to the side at the body next to her. His back was to her and through his hair matted with blood, she could see into his head. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her face away. Even though she knew the answer, she had to ask.
          “Is he … did I kill him?”
          His expression was grim, and she knew she had. She was a murderer. Oh God, oh God, oh God.
          No, stop. There was no time for this. She looked at the man’s face again and found her focus.
          His face softened a touch, and he held his hand out. “Come on.”
          She looked up at him. “What should we do?”
          “We need to get out of here.”
          She looked over at the body once more and wrapped her arms around herself. “I killed him.” Her lip trembled, but she sucked it in. This was no time for tears.
          “You had no choice.” He paused. “Why was he after you?”
          “He was sent by my father.” Her voice was mechanical. She didn’t even know this guy’s name. She squeezed her eyes shut. That’s not important right now. “My father is not a good man,” she added.
          Sirens blared in the distance.
          “Fuck.” He grabbed the gun and hastily wiped it down with his T-shirt, then hesitated briefly before tossing it into the Dumpster.
          “We need to get out of here,” he repeated holding out his hand again. The sirens got louder, their urgency snapping her out of her fog, and she put her hand in his. 

JESSICA LINDEN lives in Virginia with her college-sweetheart husband, two rambunctious sons, and two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs. Since her house is overflowing with testosterone, it’s a good thing she has a healthy appreciation for Marvel movies, Nerf guns, and football. Her books include Fight for Me.

Press Contact:
Titi Oluwo
St. Martin’s Press
Marketing & Publicity Associate 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blog Tour & Giveaway ~ Russian Tattoos: Prisoner (Russion Tattoos #2) by Kat Shehata

Russian Tattoos: Prisoner 
Kat Shehata
(Russian Tattoos, #2)
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: August 2nd 2016
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Suspense

American tennis player Carter Cook is being held prisoner by the Russian mafia…
Carter is the obsession of mob boss Vladimir Ivanov, a man she once loved. Now a mafia war has erupted on his home turf, and Vladimir’s enemies have put a bounty on her head to force him to surrender. If she is captured, his rivals will deliver a deadly ultimatum—his life in exchange for hers. The price for Carter’s freedom is Vladimir’s blood.
Vladimir holds ultimate power as godfather of the Ivanov Bratva…
He spent five years in a Siberian prison camp and has earned every tattoo inked into his skin. He is a powerful man who rules his crew with an iron fist.
But his enemies have discovered his only weakness—Carter. Vladimir knows if she stays in his world, he is handing her a death sentence, so he vows to get her home and never interfere in her life again. Giving up the woman he loves is the only way to protect her from the bad guys—including himself.
Vladimir’s rivals have a different plan for the ill-fated couple…
Some punishments are worse than death, and the head of the Ovechkin Bratva will go to any length to seek vengeance and inflict maximum suffering on Vladimir.
Carter may be Vladimir’s weakness, but she is also his only hope for survival. When the boss of the Ovechkin family threatens the man she loves, she must fight for Vladimir’s freedom before their rivals can deliver the fatal blow.
Love is blind—but it could also be deadly.

The thought of what the Russians were going to do to me made my stomach churn. I tried to slide down the chair to get away, but the guy clamped down on my shoulders and held me in place. I heard someone breathing a few feet in front of me and smelled the noxious odor of burning tobacco. The thug unraveled my blindfold, and a rush of bright fluorescent light cut across my face. As my vision came into focus, Boris’s black eyes fixated on me from across the barren concrete room.
“Welcome to Russia, lapsha.”
Boris. Sitting across from me. Vladimir’s right-hand man with the power to punish me in in every unspeakable way he could think of. I was trapped in a cold, cement cell with the monster who dominated my nightmares. Begging for mercy would only fuel his desire to watch me suffer a slow, agonizing death. My face burned. My body slumped forward. The guy behind me held my shoulders and brought me back to center. My chest heaved. I fought for air.
Boris spoke to my handler in Russian, which prompted him to remove the gag. I gasped and sucked in huge breaths of air in case it was taken from me again. Boris watched me struggle with the calculating eyes of a killer, enjoying my fruitless plight to stay alive. Once air filled my lungs and I caught my breath, I lashed out at my captor.
“Dad will report me missing. Everyone will know it was you.”
The guy behind me, who I still hadn’t seen, clicked his tongue, shoved the gag back in my mouth, and cranked it behind my head. I whimpered. The tough girl act wasn’t fooling anyone, not even me.

“Evidence left at the scene of the crime tells a different story.” Boris took a drag off his stogie. A ring of smoke hung above his head like a polluted halo. His lips curled into a sickening smile. “I warned you. I can make anyone disappear.”

Sequel to:

Kat Shehata’s first career involved caring for exotic, dangerous, and adorable animals as a zookeeper. As an author, Kat weaves her love of animals into her work. She is the co-author of the New York Times bestselling children’s book Animals on the Other Side written with Sylvia Browne.
She is an avid tennis player and spends her free time playing matches in a recreational league in Cincinnati, Ohio. She holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre from Wilmington College, a professional writing certificate from the University of Cincinnati, and a master’s degree in creative writing from Spalding University.
