
Review Policy/Other Info

Until further notice, I am not accepting any new review requests.  Thank you for your support and understanding.

Need your book reviewed?  
I would love to help!  

Please read my requirements below:

I ask that you give me 7-8 weeks to read and review your book.  I will consider, but not guarantee, a shorter time frame if possible.  Physical copies of ARC's or finished bound books (i.e. paperback, hardcover) are preferred, but will consider Kindle/Mobi files on a case by case basis. I only accept requests for stand-alone stories that actually end after the last page is read - I do not like cliffhangers.  Please do not request reviews for trilogy's or books that come in 'parts'.  Mailing address for physical books will be provided upon request.

I WILL review the following:
Young Adult (but I will be selective)
New Adult (but I will be selective)
Horror (as long as it does not involve Zombies)
Romance (but I will be selective)
Paranormal (but I will be selective)
Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic/ Dystopian

What I WILL NOT Review:
Religious novels
Baby books
Housekeeping books
Inspirational Books
Children Books
Urban Fantasy
Historical Fiction

You CAN pitch me anything, but I probably will not reply if I am not interested.  It is nothing personal, but I am absolutely horrible at rejecting people so I will just delete the email.  I do apologize in advance if I don’t respond, but that is the way it has to be.

Please remember that I am not a professional reviewer, I just love to read and let everyone know what I think about the books that I enjoy.

Listed below is what I will include in my review:

Book Cover
Author and Publications details
Link to Goodreads
Synopsis (from either Goodreads or Amazon)
My thoughts
My rating
Links to purchase the book
Author information (website, Facebook, Twitter, blog, Pinterest, etc.)

If you want to contact me for a book review, please send an email with your detailed information to: avidbookcollector (at) gmail (dot) com.

I look forward to hearing from you!

FTC Disclaimer
Some of the books that are featured on this blog have been provided by the author, publisher, NetGalley or other third party sites in exchange for an honest review.  I receive no monetary compensation or other consideration for any reviews, and the opinions expressed in the reviews on this site are done with honesty and are not swayed by any outside factors.

Associate Program
The Avid Book Collector is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.  This does not change the purchase price for the consumer.