Shattered Soul
by Jennifer Snyder
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Published May 14th 2011
Hellish Nightmare...
If seventeen-year-old Seth Bradson were to describe his life in two words, those would be the two he’d choose. Seth prefers to cope with his crappy existence by spending his days in a drug-induced haze. But when Ali Carson steps into his life, Seth finds something he’s subconsciously been seeking—a new drug, one that consumes his mind unlike any other.
In a moment of unforgivable weakness, Seth allows Ali to try crystal meth, his most addictive temptation. This single event begins the unraveling of both their lives and forces Seth to learn the definition of regret the hard way.
5 out of 5 stars
I want to start off by saying that I did not read the blurb before starting this book, mainly because it is written by Jennifer Snyder, and well, quite frankly everything that I have read by her is totally awesome, so I just dove in knowing that it was going to be an awesome read! But.....Holy freaking crap! When I started reading Shattered Soul, from the first page, it was very apparent that this was not going to be a happy story, full of rainbows, unicorns and everlasting love. Nope, nothing like that…..not at all. This was a very heartbreaking, emotional and extremely intense story about a not so glamorous subject that was beautifully written. This story is told from the point of view of teenager, Seth Bradson. I instantly felt sorry for him as his mother is an alcoholic, his father is absent from his life and his brother, who not only uses drugs, sells them as well. Seth has a good heart, he is just a victim of his environment and my heart broke as I traveled with him through this heart-wrenching journey. The shocking ending left me in tears and totally speechless.
Jennifer Snyder has a rare talent in creating a well-written story that will instantly draw you in and keep you engrossed the entire time. This was not an easy story to read as it does deal with the realities of drug abuse and addiction, but it is a definite must read…one that I highly recommend.

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