
Monday, June 16, 2014

Book Review ~ Carnival by K.B. Nelson

(Carnival #1)
by K.B. Nelson

Expected publication: July 7th 2014 

Charlie should be packing her bags for college, but the life ahead of her isn’t one she’s certain she wants. Maybe that’s what led her to sleep with a perfect stranger at the county fair. Finding out he was a carnie was like winning the bonus round of the world’s worst game.

Blue grew up in the carnival, never staying anywhere long enough to call home. He never thought of himself as the type to seduce a local, let alone fall in love with one, but his impulsiveness got the better of him this time. He should go where the carnival takes him, but for the first time he’s not sure if he wants to follow.

When he makes the decision to stick around, Charlie eagerly follows him down the rabbit hole; into a world with no regard for consequences or regret. Most of all, he shows her that home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling they can create and share. For a price. Because the higher the roller coaster goes, the faster it all comes crashing down.

Before I begin, I just want to say ‘Thank you!’ to K.B. Nelson for giving me the opportunity to read and review this amazing story!

First off, just look at the cover – so pretty, almost whimsical.  You might think you are about to embark on a truly magical love story.  But although this is a love story – it is one that will evoke a true vortex of emotions.  Yes, it does start off with girl meets boy and instant attraction occurs, but that’s where this roller coaster ride gets bumpy and has all the twists and turns that make for a truly gripping love story.

I instantly liked Charlie.  She’s sharp, witty, sarcastic and a true smart-ass.  After graduating high school you get the sense that she really does not have a direction.  Although she is putting college on hold so she can look after her recently divorced mother, you get the feeling that she does not know what she wants from life right now.  And then there is Blue.  Sexy as all get out, you just get the feeling that there’s a story behind this carnie – some mystery that begs to be unraveled, and you would be correct in that thinking.  Charlie and Blue together – outright EXPLOSIVE!  The chemistry between the two is over-the-top HOT.  Warning bells go off however and despite what Charlie learns, she dives head first into this relationship despite Blue’s troublesome and turbulent life.

The funny thing about love – it just happens, no matter what the person’s past was like or what they may be hiding – love will find a way to ignite and grow.  Charlie and Blue don’t care what other people think nor do they think about the consequences – their heart takes over and nothing else matters.  Yes, this is what this story is about and once you start reading, I can guarantee you will not stop until the very last word of this gripping, heart-pounding and emotional story is read.

I truly loved Carnival and can’t wait for the next installment of this highly addictive series written by this amazing author!

My rating:  5 out of 5 stars

I grew up on a farm in Ohio, but that's not very interesting, is it? When I'm not writing you can find me doing one of two things; getting lost on highways or getting lost in the lives of fictional characters. If my heart had two feet, one foot would be in romance and the other solidly in geekdom. I hope you'll all follow me on my journey through this carnival they call life.I promise there will be a happy ending.

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