An American Resurrection
Scott Thomas Campbell
Teetering on the edge of suicide, Peter Cameron sets out on one final journey
with the simplest of goals: he will plant a tree. Unfortunately, even the
simplest objectives can be muddled by the unpredictable hazards of life and
along the way Cameron finds himself caught up in a scandal that he alone must
fix. In the end, Pete must come to terms with the beautiful insignificance of
his life if he hopes to leave this world on good terms. "An American
Resurrection" is a story about failure, redemption and a reminder that
life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
My Thoughts
I’m not going to lie. This
was a difficult book to read. It was not
difficult because of poor writing – in fact, this book was extremely well
written and the author is a magnificent story-teller. The subject matter is what I found difficult
- but life is difficult and doesn't always go according to plan – so I
continued reading. I am glad that I did,
because a funny thing happened as I continued on the journey with Peter Cameron
and his quest to plant a tree. I became
thoroughly engrossed in the story – turning each page to find out more and
praying for a happy ending or at least a less tragic one. Mr. Campbell managed to yank me out of
comfort zone and place me firmly in his story and I found myself enjoying the
experience. This book will make you think about life and everything in between,
and after the last page is read, you might just appreciate the small things in
life and realize that maybe stopping to smell the roses every once in a while
might not be such a bad idea.
This book will not be for everyone, but it is one that I recommend
that everyone read. Once you start, I
promise you that you will not be able to put it down.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Purchase Links
About the Author
Writing for as
long as I can remember, I have had my screenplays represented and optioned by a
major Hollywood producer/manager. I have currently written seven feature-length
screenplays, one of which was a finalist at the Nashville Film Festival.
I currently have
two novels completed. My first novel, "An American Resurrection," has
received strong reviews and my second novel, "The Sandbox Kids," will
be available by the end of September. (Both available on Amazon)
In the past, I have
written advertising copy for a major advertising agency and broadcast copy for
the local ABC and FOX affiliates.
I am currently
teaching English at San Marcos High School. My wife, Christy, is a first grade
teacher and I have two sons-Liam (5) and Blake (2).
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