
Monday, August 25, 2014

Book Review ~ The Chaise by Brian J. Walters

The Chaise
by Brian J. Walters
Bridgette needs to know. Her successful career and the home of her dreams are not enough to make her stop thinking about her husband.

Theo is in Africa trying to better the world, but what if he does not make it back? She has not spoken to him in two days. Her obsession for her husband teeters on paranoia and it all starts to spin out of control. The present melts with the passions of the past and all she can do is take comfort in the security of her one constant: The Chaise.

My Thoughts
The Chaise is quite different from anything that I have read before.  Mr. Walters writing is very descriptive and really draws the reader into the story.  At times I was wondering what was going on, but then at the very end, the light bulb went on and I understood completely.  This story really does have a lot of everything compacted into a mere 44 pages and is very compelling to say the least.  There is a very hot erotic scene, but I had an issue with the use of the word “moistness”.  That one word just threw the whole thing off for me.

 “Ali’s body arched as he slid his finger through to feel her moistness.”

Please, please Mr. Walters, don’t use that word when describing a sexual act!  The only time the word moist (or moistness) should be used is when describing a cake. 

Overall, The Chaise was a good solid piece of work, and I will definitely seek out future novels written by this talented author.

My rating 3 out of 5 stars

About the Author
I was a Standup Comic for over 8 years. I spread the joys of humor from the midwest of the United States to the east, south, and west. A lot of my routine was just plain silly, but I did like to slide in the occasional,thought provoking pun from time to time and then sprinkle it with just the right amount of sarcasm.

I also scribed sitcom scripts, short stories, and a book. Unfortunately, none of my amazing words of wonder ever made it to the screen or shelves.

After a move to LA, I fell out of entertainment and into the world of business management. It was interesting and exciting and all in all a good experience, but now it's time to write!

So become a friend and catch my oh so meaningful views on life, liberty, and the pursuit of a Best Seller.

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