Goodbye John
by Kshitij
Livia’s world falls to pieces when her husband, John, a thriving heart surgeon, mysteriously disappears from a remote motel in Verona on the day of their wedding anniversary. A year has gone by, and it’s the same day again. A hiss in the air, a knock at the door, and a sumptuous cake inside the oven are all promises that John will be back. But what he brings along is a terrifying gift she’d rather not live with.
Goodbye John is an uncanny tale of love, deception, and revenge.
Each tombstone carved in white marble shone barely enough to display the name of the inhabitant. She carefully walked in the sloppy mud, reading the name written on each grave. Her pumps were smeared and the heel of her right shoe was broken due to walking on serrated terrain, but she didn’t stop out of desperation to get the ordeal over with. Eventually, she sighted the headstone with the name of her husband engraved on it. Her nerves hastened. She got the packet out through the pocket stitched in her red skirt and put it beside the stone. She slipped the shovel from her hand, thinking that it would be an abhorrent task to do, to unbury the dead, but then recognized she could not leave his dead heart away from his body. Livia sniveled as her trembling hands again reached towards the tool. She fisted the shovel, tightening her grip.
One last look before I do this.
With a deep grasp, Livia struck the mud with an immense force. Lightening blazed the sky, accompanied by enormous thunder, as she found herself completely drenched in rain. Her mind was abandoned of thoughts, as she relentlessly dug the wet earth, and continued with full vigor till the glimpse of the grey coffin emerged underneath the brown, sticky soil. She smiled and laughed hysterically before bursting into a stream of tears. She did not want to do this but all she craved was to visit or being visited by John. And here she was, standing at his doorstep. The puny tears merged into rain drops while she recalled their first meeting.
It was one vivid afternoon, when the eyes of a chemical assistant met with those of a teenage girl, jazzy and shy at the same time, sashaying towards his shop. His heart pounded with every step she took: her long, fair legs, fluorescent mini with a red tie up around her waist, perfect curves and those curls, barely showing her cat eyes. The funky hat appeared as an unblemished crown on her sleek golden hair. He never thought such a thing existed. He never thought he would ever waste his time falling in love until she came along. She fumbled while asking for the meds, watching him staring at her with an utter sense of curiosity, and then played around with her curls, before offering a smile, the smile that bowled him over. He wanted her that very moment. The naive yet curious teenager felt the same. They just kissed, forgetting everything and everyone, and with that, they started a long, wild, and passionate affair, based on love and carnality.

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