Sweet Contradiction Series # 1
Peggy Martinez
August 26th, 2014
Crimson Tree Publishing
Count: approx. 55,000
NA Contemporary Romance
Warning: Minor Violence and Sexual References
Recommendation: 17+
Beth Michaels hightailed it out of the hole-in-the-road town she grew up in,
she only had two goals. One—get as far away as quickly as possible, and
two—never set foot in her parent’s home again. But when she receives a heart
breaking call from her childhood best friend, Jen, she has no choice but to
turn her ’56 Ford pickup back in the direction of Salem, Missouri to attend a
funeral.There’s a new local in town when Beth arrives, and suddenly, it ain’t all that easy for her to remember her rules for dating.
#1. Cookie-cutter-perfect guys ain’t her type.
#2. Tie wearin’ and church frequentin’ is an automatic dismissal.
#3. Most importantly, never date anyone from small minded, conservative, Bible-thumping towns like Salem.
Unfortunately, Matthew Wright breaks all her rules and then some.
Matt might be from a small town and have small town values, but that doesn’t mean he fits into a little slot of Beth’s preconceived notions. After all, ever so often good guys are good. Now if he could just convince Beth to let go of her past and give him a chance, he’s pretty sure there’s a whole lotta sweet under that prickly exterior.
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I took a bite of my poke
cake. Strawberry. Yummy. "Beau is a small-town bully, and he’s always been
used to getting what he wants. He’s used to girls falling at his feet and
giving him a whole lot more than I was willing to give him back in high
Matt’s jaw clenched, and
a muscle ticked in his cheek.
I was a little surprised
by his reaction.
"And Beau… he
didn’t take no for an answer?" he asked.
I blinked once and then
twice before I realized what he was asking. My eyes widened, and I nearly
choked. I put out a hand and laid it on his hand, which was clenched into a tight
"No. I mean, yes,
he took no for an answer. Especially since I kneed him, er, in a place that
hurt him real bad. He spread around a bunch of nasty rumors about me after
that, but he didn’t try anything else."
He relaxed his hand and
then took mine, giving it a little squeeze. My heart fluttered… just a bit.
Matt relaxed.
I removed my hand from
his. As he took a bite of his own cake, I watched him. Matthew Wright was a
good man, and I found myself wanting to spend more time with him. Aw, crap.
Matt had to go a few
minutes later, even though I could tell he really would’ve rather stayed and
talked with me some more. I felt the same way. I was actually bummed to see him
go. The afternoon dwindled down and before I knew it, we were packing up and heading
home. I’d spent the entire day at a church function, and I hadn’t even turned
into a toad.
Miracle of miracles.
Martinez is the author of The Sweet Contradiction Series, which was picked up
by Crimson Tree Publishing in early 2014 and is scheduled to release under this
new imprint in the Summer of 2014. Martinez’s New Adult Contemporary Romance
series will include Sweet Contradiction, Perfect Contradiction and Beautiful
When not writing, Peggy can be found spending time at home with her husband, her teen son and four little girls. She loves reading, writing, soap making, aromatherapy, gangster movies, prepping for the zombie apocalypse and downing insane amounts of Twizzlers and Kazoozles.
As if being a wife and homeschooling mom of five doesn’t keep her busy enough, Peggy Martinez is a full time Author who has six published books, including The Time Warper Series and State of Decay. Peggy’s dream is to own a small homestead where she can raise some chickens along with her five kids, tend to a large garden and one day take her dream vacation’s to Ireland, Greece and Scotland.
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(an Adult division of Clean Teen)
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