J.E. & M. Keep
Paranormal Romance
Date: October 15th, 2014
by: Book Enthusiast Promotions (
After all, even demons deserve a chance
at love.
With her angelic wings and his demonic
horns they were never meant to come together. But his red eyes trap her and her
seductive wings lure him. Their hot demon blood crashes. What starts as one
night of carnal pleasure turns into an adventure of epic portions.
Shades of Dungeons and Dragons twisted in
wicked ways.
Within days of meeting Lilah and
Glaurakos fall across the path of an evil sorceress who traps them in a strange
and dangerous "other world". The threats in the new world are
perilous, yet their lust for each other is far more frightening. Will their
bond be strong enough to make it out alive?
Against all odds of the damned, can love
grow between two half demons?
This fantasy novel is a twisted romance
at its core inspired by Dungeons and Dragons/Forgotten Realms, by best selling
Paranormal Romance authors J.E. & M. Keep.
Chapter 1
As the slaver’s caravan rolled along, the wagon
in which Glaurakos was held bumped and jostled wildly. The make of the
transport was clearly designed for security, not comfort. It was enough to send
someone with poor balance toppling to and fro. He was in a different world from
the chaotic realm he’d escaped, but the confinement… that was familiar.
The terrain was rough, following the road less
travelled along the path from Sho’ar into the smaller trading camps. It was
also more private, which was what the slavers needed. Glaurakos could see the
thick forest as they slowly made their way past it, the hot sun beating down on
them. It didn’t bother him, though.
An odd mix of the beautiful and the terrifying,
Glaurakos was born a Fae-Demon. His elven blood manifested in his bright,
golden hued skin, handsome facial features and orange-gold hair that fell down
around his back and shoulders, straight and silken-smooth. The other half of
him was that of a hellish demon, with massive back-swept horns, leathery
bat-like wings, glowing red eyes, sharp teeth, clawed fingers and
six-and-a-half-foot height.
He was a rare beast on the surface world, a
prize for any slaver smart enough – or stupid enough – to try to capture.
He was not bound in the caged wagon, but he was
kept there alone, and a crisscross of metal mesh kept him from summoning his
sword to him and fighting back against his captors. The damnable humans knew
what a price they could fetch for him, and they hungered for it. Any demon,
even a half-breed, fought with mastery in battle that a human could never obtain.
Glaurakos seethed as he plotted his escape.
It had been a while since the newest addition
had been added to the caravan: a beautiful winged woman who was chained to the
back of the caravan, but a few feet from him. She was walking with her head
down, following closely after the wagon. Her slender form looked even smaller
against the manacles around her hands, their enchantments no doubt keeping her
from casting spells. These slavers weren’t the usual, trading in grunt workers.
They were seeking the big wins.
She looked to be an angel with her large,
feathery wings and her delicate features. An innocent, someone easily
manipulated and trusting. Even for a fiend like him. She was tall and svelte.
Her body was naturally slim, but she looked like she had recently shed some
weight, leaving her cheeks a tad more hollow than usual. She tried her best not
to move her manacled hands to draw any further attention to herself. Her wings
were bound behind her, the tips pressed together painfully, enough to cause a constant
cringe to taint her otherwise attractive face. Her porcelain white skin was
framed by a black shock of hair, and he had no doubt that this was how she
looked at her worst.
These slavers were exceptionally clever, or
terrifically lucky, to have found and captured two of the rarer species of
humanoids around.
The slavers spread out after a time, keeping a
wide sentry on the moving caravan. He managed to fight them off before they
could shed him of his thick and intricate armour, a series of chest and leg
plates with a short cloak draped about his shoulders and back. Perhaps they
figured that once they got him to their destination they could better steal his
earthly goods. He had to act fast, and Glaurakos shifted to move onto his
“Angel. I can break us free if you help me,” he
whispered, his voice preternaturally deep and raspy. There was a terrifying
sense of command that permeated his words, not by practice, but by natural
Lilah raised her freshly bruised eyes to him,
clearly having taken a couple of blows in the struggle to get her to go with
the slavers. Her expression was sour and cruel, though it brightened at his
promise. She glanced around at her surroundings briefly with her eerie, green
“What do you figure?” she asked, her voice
nearly ethereal, a practiced combination of sweet and tantalizing with an
undertone of hidden promise.
“They haven’t stripped me of my magic. They
think me a mere warrior,” he grinned, baring his sharply fanged teeth slyly.
“But without help outside, my spells are useless. So…” He paused, some
reluctant doubt tingeing his voice as though he didn’t expect her to agree to
his plan. “With your agreement, I will shift us, summon my sword and free us to
escape to safety.”
She averted her eyes from him, keenly on the
lookout for any who may notice her speaking to him.
“What do you need me for?” she asked. Her voice
was skeptical, but still filled with hope.
“These bars prevent me from magically passing
through,” he rasped, licking his lips briefly with his bizarrely pointed
“However, with a spell I could switch our
places. It’s not the same, you see? An eventuality they are not likely to have
prepared for.” He smirked mischievously at her. “Once I’m outside this wagon, I
will be able to get us out of here without issue. They only caught me by dumb
luck in the first place. So, what say you?”
His large, leathery wings twitched upon his back
anxiously. He had not nearly enough room to unfurl them.
She opened her plush lips to argue before
shutting them. Whether she was chained helpless to the wagon, or captured
within, there were few options for escape. She looked at him for as long as
she’d dared before her eyes flicked away from his harsh gaze.
“If you leave me, I will find you,” she said
finally, jutting her jaw in annoyance at the reluctant and tentative agreement.
“I know my way from here.”
Pursing his lips for a moment, he smiled widely,
giving her a stern nod.
“I will free you,” he said, eyeing her wings.
“Do they work still? Or did they just bind them? I want to know before I try to
free us. Things will move fast once I’m out, I don’t have time to figure out
how to break your chains once we start.”
“They are bound without magical means. Though I
will need to be freed of it before I can fly,” she replied.
Glaurakos nodded sternly. “Chain or leather
“Leather. I’d do it myself if I had time. I
don’t imagine I will, if you’re able to do this.”
“Get ready,” he said with finality. His voice
was preternaturally rich and deep that everything he said sounded commanding
and authoritative.
Glaurakos stood as well as he could in the caged
wagon, focused and determined as he prepared his gambit. It was a fairly simple
spell, but required her consent to be dragged through the ether.
Without further delay he muttered the profane
Joshua and Michelle Keep love to combine
fantasy, scifi, horror, romance and mystery into exciting and titillating
They are long term, loving partners in a
very happy relationship and because of this, they love to torture their
characters. Dark romance touches all of their stories in one way or another,
from elicit trysts to forbidden love.
Some of their work contains dubious
consent and erotic pain, so it’s not for the faint of heart. Their stories are
often called twisted and arousing — at the same time.
Owners of Darknest Fantasy Erotica, Joshua
and Michelle Keep have been writing smut for over 10 years.
18+. Content warnings and word counts are
available on the second page of all books.
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**October 19th Corrupted Hearts will be Kindle Exclusive**
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