and Ends
Denise Mathew
Romantic Suspense
by: Book Enthusiast Promotions (http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com)
has them, skeletons hidden away just waiting to be discovered. Dark secrets
that will be our undoing. And no matter how carefully we bury them, they never
stay where they’re put. Those things that we want to hide always rise up when
we least expect it, revealing all the truths that we wished never saw the light
of day. Spilling and scattering like a broken string of pearls. What they leave
in their wake is Dust and Ends.
for a crime that he didn’t commit, twenty-three-year old Ransom Sanders is
racing against time, searching for something that will prove his innocence, but
with his sadistic father working against him at every turn, Ransom is out of
luck, and time.
have a way of tangling up your life, intertwining with reality until you don’t
know what’s true and what’s false anymore. They also have a way of coming back
to haunt you, to ruin your life, to snatch away everything that you cherished.
Nobody knows that better than twenty-year-old Lexie Adams, because her
deceptions cost her the one good thing in her life, Ransom Sanders.
to get Ransom back, Lexie goes to extreme lengths to prove that the past
doesn’t equal the present. In her quest to reignite the flame that was
extinguished, she puts everything on the line, throwing her heart and soul into
helping find the proof that Ransom needs to be vindicated. But to find the
truth Ransom and Lexie must work together, something Ransom isn’t too keen on
doing. With time running out and nothing to hang on to but a few flimsy shreds
of possibilities, Ransom and Lexie must sift through Ransom’s past if they have
any chance at all to save his future.
Everything that I was doing went against
the oath that I had made, the one that said that I wouldn’t do this to Lexie
again, because it wasn’t right to make her believe that things between us would
somehow work out.
“And I need to do this one last time, to
seal the promise,” I said.
caught her mouth in mine. It was the kiss that I shouldn’t have taken, but did
all the same. It was everything that I had expected, the sweetest treat in the
bakery store showcase, the moment of pleasure you felt when you were airborne,
falling to the earth in a skydive, a time when if you let your mind forget
where you were, you might imagine that you could actually fly.
But with every jump there was also a
landing, a time when the ground suddenly looked ominous, when your whole life
was dependent on a flimsy piece of material that may or may not release and
take you safely to the ground. This was that time, the second before I tugged
the ripcord, so the air caught beneath fabric, guiding me back to reality. Of
course there was also another scenario that might happen just as easily, the
parachute would fail and I would be dead.
I prayed my parachute would open in
Miracle like Gabriel had said it would, but somehow I wasn’t sure it would.
Denise Mathew loves good chocolate, lots of coffee, her kids and husband, when they behave, and of course writing stories. She believes that housework should be banned and wishes that potato chips were the most healthy and nutritious food on the planet. She worked as a pediatric nurse for eleven years, once owned an online jewelry business and even taught English in Thailand. She plans on writing until the stories run out, something she hopes never happens
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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