(Carved Hearts #2)
L.G. Pace III & Michelle Pace
Genre: Contemporary
Release Date: October
"A good chef can throw seemingly random ingredients into a
pot and create something delicious. On rare occasions, fate does the same thing
with hearts. With the right combination of elements at just the right time, a
couple can fall head over heels in love. That being said, blending two lives
can get messier than any kitchen and also a hell of a lot harder to clean
Molly's food truck took Austin by storm, and she's got more
prospects than she knows what to do with. Her crazy ex is out of the picture,
and she's moved in with her gorgeous boyfriend, Joe. She and Joe rarely see one
another, and when they do, their time is squandered arguing. Molly's anxious to
break this cycle because the tension between them is literally making her sick.
After years alone and shattered, Molly has reawakened a part of
Joe that he was sure couldn't be revived. He's terrified of losing her, but their
combined baggage makes every step forward seem littered with landmines. Molly's
more than worth the fight, but she shouldn't be the one he's constantly
battling. A master carpenter by trade, Joe has restored countless treasures
which seemed beyond repair. He's determined that he and Molly won't be the
Fate kicks in the door and rocks them to their very foundation.
Boundaries are tested, tears shed, and Molly and Joe will question everything
they think they know about themselves and each other.
Buy The Book
I found myself looking over at Joe’s perfect profile, and felt
that familiar ache in my chest. Frustrated at our disjointed state and suddenly
overwhelmed with emotion, I stopped in my tracks. Joe turned to face me, a perplexed
expression marring his flawlessness. I placed my hands on both of his
uncharacteristically smooth cheeks and looked him in the eye.
“I love you, Joe.” I felt my throat narrow painfully, and blinked
away unexpected tears.
“I love you, too.” His frown deepened and he brushed my sweeping
bangs away from my eyes. “What’s wrong, Molly?”
It was a good question and I wished I had a reasonable
explanation. We’d come so far and been through so much, it seemed unfair that
we couldn’t get it together long enough to enjoy any of it. I’d been wracking
my brain for weeks to find the right thing to say, a verbal Band-Aid to slap
over a hemorrhaging wound. It made me wish my love life could be as
straightforward as my job.
A good chef can throw random ingredients into a pot and create
something delicious. On rare occasions, fate does the same thing with hearts.
With the right combination of elements at just the right time, a couple can
fall head over heels in love. That being said, blending two lives can get
messier than any kitchen and also a hell of a lot harder to clean up. I wasn’t
usually such a bawl baby, but when it came to Joe, all bets were off. I was
freaked out about “us” just then, and what we were becom- ing. I pulled his
face down to meet mine and kissed his lips delicately, so he wouldn’t be
covered in my lipstick all night.
“Let’s try to enjoy ourselves and talk about the ugly stuff
afterwards. Okay?”
About The Authors
L.G.Pace III has spent several decades pouring creative energy
into other things besides writing. He began his current journey by telling his
two daughters bedtime stories about a magical realm and a hero named Terel.
Though that story is still sitting unfinished in the electronic universe he has
managed to bring two other stories out of the dark maelstrom of his mind for
others to enjoy.
He dwells in the great state of Texas with his wife, novelist
Michelle Pace and their children.
Michelle Pace lives in north Texas with her husband, Les, who is
also a novelist. An Iowan native, she is the mother of two lovely daughters,
Holly and Bridgette, and one uber-charismatic son, Kai. A former singer and
actress, Michelle has always enjoyed entertaining people and is excited to
continue to do so as a writer.
titles by Michelle Pace
(Sound Wave Series #1)
(Sound Wave Series #2)
Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life (Jefferson Point #1)
Come Up
Good Wood (Carved
Heats #1)
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