The Black
Rock Letters
by Nancy C.
Date: June 07, 2017
Lost on a desert road? Stop and get out. Look into the
dust devils' grains of sand and see Carmela and Antonio swirling in an embrace.
Smell the scent of the cactus flowers and hear children's laughter, their
sounds carried on a soft breeze.
If you have a mustard seed amount of imagination, the
village of Black Rock will spring up around you. You will be invited into the
cantina for a refreshing drink with the old ones, and you can enjoy the antics
of the unique animals that live there too.
You will be given a map when you leave to help find
your way back home, but it will also keep you from ever returning. But Black
Rock will stay in your heart and mind forever.
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Black Rock Letters by Nancy C. McWhorter is an emotionally
charged, character-rich debut that is truly unique. Each chapter is a letter
either written either to Carmela’s love, Antonio, or to a beloved friend of
hers. Carmela bares her thoughts and intimate
desires in each letter and in the process provides the reader with vivid details
of her day-to-day life in her small village of Black Rock. As I read each of Carmela’s letters, I felt as
though I was in her mind and found myself trying to unravel the mystery of her
life, her love and her beloved Black Rock.
The prose of each letter is so beautiful and so enchanting I could not
help but get lost in this magical tale. I
went through many emotions as I read this book – from happiness to sadness - and
in the end felt as though I left a piece of my heart in Black Rock. No other book has had such an emotional
impact on me such as this one.
If you are looking for a unique and entertaining read
that will stretch the limits of your imagination and leave your heart full of
love, then I highly recommend The Back
Rock Letters.

Born in the United States with the experience of living
abroad as a military brat, sparked something inside Nancy to continue her
travel adventures way after most people would have thrown in the towel and
spend the rest of their days in their lazy-boy recliner playing solitaire.
The tale you have just read was inspired by her many
adventures to Central and South America. Nancy fell in love with the culture,
colors, people and the food of these beautiful lands. Her experiences and fond
thoughts are incorporated into these letters. The letters are also a journal of
life events buried in fiction. For Nancy, when life gets harsh, it's easy to
daydream of living in a village where love abounds, people are kind, and
animals are unique.
The author hopes that you enjoyed this romantic tale
and hopefully let a piece of yourself slip into Black Rock - who knows, you
might just see Nancy at the Cantina......
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