What Would You Choose, love or duty?
On the brink of civil war, the Torrian Alliance continues with its mission to obliterate Star-children across the universe in order to suppress an intergalactic evil. Following the recommendations of his council, King Gregorio Derry reluctantly agrees to send his only son William on a mission to restore honor to his family name. William seeks to complete his assignment, the elimination of a Star-child named Sydney on planet Earth, but when the assassination is delayed he begins to realize an emotional connection with his target. With conspiracy threatening his home planet, and a hidden menace on Earth seeking to secure a vested interest, William finds himself torn between irrevocable duty and sacrificing everything he stands for to defend Sydney. As William and Sydney struggle to overcome their impossible circumstances, they start to wonder if the connection of two Star-Crossed lovers will be enough to save them from certain doom.
He leaned in close to her ear. “Please Sydney, give me one more chance. The dreams, they are of you. If only I could have understood sooner, I may have been able to change our fate. But now, I know you have the power to change this. You are more than any normal person. You are the one thing I have traveled across distance and time for.”
A ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, slipping past the overlying trees. They kissed Sydney’s face. She gasped, and her lifeless body rose from the dead. Sydney swallowed a deep breath and grabbed William’s shoulders. His many tears drained from his face. The infectious warmth returned.
“I knew you’d return to me. Somehow, I knew it,” he whispered.
“I was lost for a moment in nothing but deep dark space. But I heard a voice calling out to me. It was very familiar to me. Someone I had met before. It was a woman’s voice. She told me it was time to go back. She told me I had a calling to do something great and the time of my awakening was at hand.” Sydney wiped the tears from his eyes. “Then I heard you, speaking to me from the darkness. Your voice guided me as I ran forward, until finally I saw a ray of light and I stepped into it.”
He squeezed her and planted his lips on hers. His solar cells erupted, and Sydney became surrounded in a bright aura that lifted them off the ground. He opened his eyes, amazed by what he saw. He planted another kiss, this time on Sydney’s forehead.
“There’s my signature,” he whispered.
They floated back to the ground and Sydney pulled him close.
“Sydney, is there any way you could forgive me for what I’ve done?”
Sydney caressed his face. “What’s done is done. Even through all the pain, something inside me knew that you would save me. Love brought you to me and somehow, I knew love would give you the strength to protect me.”
The present situation invaded his thoughts. “And protect you I will. I must explain everything to you, Sydney. Come with me.”
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