Little Black Book
(Little Black Book #1)
by Tabatha Vargo and Melissa Andrea
name’s Sebastian Black, and I want to buy you. I could have any woman I want,
but I choose you.
my offer…
put your name in my LITTLE BLACK BOOK, and when I want you, I’ll call you. When
I call, you’re going to come, in more ways than one. It will be mutually
pleasurable for both of us.
are only two rules:
you do either, I’ll remove you from my book and payment stops.
we have an understanding?
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My Thoughts
off, those two rules -
the part about –
those did not work for me – at all.
Right from the start of this story, I was not a fan of Sebastian
Black. I thought he was an egotistical,
arrogant, self-absorbed prick. And the
women who bought into that crap? Well,
to each her own I guess but, to get paid for sex, well, that did not work for
me either.
I did continue reading this book, only to find out what the big deal was. Reviewers either love it or hate it, so I had
to find out why. I am just going to
throw it out there – I liked it. Did I
love it? No. Would I recommend it to others? Yes, only because it was a good story, and if
you read the synopsis and other reviews, you should know what you are about to
read. Why is it good you ask? Well this is why:
owns his own nightclub. Because of its
success, he is filthy rich. Because of
his crappy childhood, he really does not want to have any emotional attachment
to any women. He doesn't even call them
by their real name for heaven’s sake.
Nope, he assigns them cartoon character names. Seriously, names like
Bambi, Wilma and Betty. And he puts all these names and numbers in his Little
Black Book. His goal? To fine his perfect Jessica Rabbit. To him, Jessica Rabbit is the perfect woman
and one that will never surface, because well, Jessica Rabbit is not real. So until he finds his Jessica Rabbit, he has
his harem of women he calls upon and pays them well for their time. Because of Sebastian’s past, I gave him a
small pass for his attitude toward women.
He’s damaged and someone needs to fix him.
of that changes though when Rosslyn enters the scene. She has raised her brother ever since her
parents were brutally murdered. Needing
a job, she lands one at Sebastian’s club.
Once Sebastian meets her though, he is convinced that Rosslyn is his
Jessica Rabbit. So what’s he do? He fires her on the spot and offers her a
deal she cannot refuse. At first she
does not accept it, but after losing her house, her car and now jobless, she
accepts. The problem I had with
Rosslyn’s character is that she was a virgin before she met Sebastian, and
after her first encounter, she suddenly becomes this sexual vixen? Well, this is fiction, so I guess I will have
to give it a pass. Anyway, Rosslyn is
finally living the good life, but she is breaking one of Sebastian’s rules….she
is falling in love with the man (gosh, I did not see that one coming).
far, the story has been pretty typical, nothing really special. Yes, the sex was hot. I mean, it’s Sebastian Black for goodness
sake. But intertwined in this romance
story is a mystery that is begging to be solved. You see, Rosslyn’s parents’
murder was never solved. The killers are
still out there. When she finds out who
it was, well, that is where this story really picked up and I was hanging on
for dear life as the story unfolded.
this was a good story that I don’t regret reading. The writing was good and the characters,
although complex, were interesting to read about. This one did not leave in a cliffhanger which
I appreciated and I always love it when it ends in a happily ever after. I grew to love Sebastian and I think you will
to when you read this story.
4 stars
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About the Authors
is a sweet tea sippin', front porch sittin' kind of girl from South Carolina.
She loves old, historical anything, wind chimes, and all things romantic. She
is the mother of an 8 y/o rock star/princess and the wife of her very own
Prince Charming.
she isn't writing, she's texting book ideas to herself.
find it hard to sum up my life in a paragraph, but I'll try.
has always been a passion for me and writing is as instinctive as breathing.
Every inhale is an idea; every exhale a creation. Flutter, The Discover Series
was my debut release and since then I have written a contemporary romance, The
Edge of Darkness. The only thing I do better than writing? Making beautiful,
sassy and independent, girls. My daughters will always be my greatest
accomplishment, my biggest fans and my every inspiration. I live, breath and
would die for them! I've been married to one of the greatest men in my life for
7 years and I love him more than chocolate (you know shit just got real :),
Justin Timberlake and Friday's. Without him my website would be a mess and I
would probably be paying more taxes than I should. He is a jack of many trades
and this is just my opinion but I like to think besides my daughters, I'm his
second biggest accomplishment. (Does anyone else hear a horn tooting?)
was born in Denver, Colorado -but I will always think of sunny Arizona as my
home. I don't have a big family, but I'm close with my sister, brother & my
mom. My mom is my hero, my inspiration, and I couldn't have asked for a more
amazing person to be raised by. She has supported me throughout this crazy
adventure and I'm lucky to have her on my side!
things you should know about me:
I'm a tornado with lipstick! Translation: I'm very girly, but I can get down
and dirty with the best of them.
I adore the color pink!
I love things that sparkle (including vampires!)
I like even numbers (hence 6 things about me, not 5)
I'm loyal to a fault but I like to see the good in everybody. Don't mistake my
kindness for weakness though because my bark is not always bigger than my bite
I don't like calling readers 'fans'. When it come down to it, I am all YOUR
biggest fan! MWAH!
will never be able to thank every reader, every blogger or every author who has
helped me in one or a million ways since I published but I will try every chance
I get. Y'all are the reason I am here and every comment, every message, every
review makes me feel like I have a reason to be. So to the moon and back, THANK
so this was a little longer than a paragraph.

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